Another Grand Mother, 75-year-old, Gang-raped and Executed by French Cameroun Soldiers.

This weaponization of rape by the French Cameroun soldiers is well documented, but nothing has been done to protect the victims or discourage this humiliating libido of these beasts. Even women and their organizations that have championed the crusade for peace in the Cameroons have shied away from these uncountable atrocious crimes that these Sanguinary soldiers, now seen as forces of occupation continue to commit on the vulnerable people of British Southern Cameroons(Ambazonia). The church and its leaders have become God’s “holy” soldiers, with lies in defending the killers of these faith-full Christians, while deceiving them that God is in control. Recently, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba throw his own pastor under the bus, as he defends the French Cameroun soldiers who shot at the church in Balinyounga, killing one, wounding many. One of the wounded being the pastor whom the Moderator, dismiss his testimony of who shot at them. Click here for that story.

Mama Munji Cecilia, on that faithful 19 October, 2022, had just taken her evening bath after toiling the fields. As she was about to apply lotion on her body, the French Cameroun soldiers, sneaking on her forced their way into her room. An eyewitness recount, “The woman had just taken her bath and was in her room when the soldiers entered. many who saw them took cover and after sometime in her room, we heard gun shots. When they left, we rushed there only to see her naked body in the pool of her own blood. We are saddened and I feel like fighting back. Enough is enough,” A native of new town, Guzang narrates the ordeal of Mama Munji .

Anger and Fear Fill the Air

Angry cries from the bewildered population fill the area as the remains were ferried to the mortuary. Images on her dead bed show her naked with traces of blood on her laps and the bed sheet. She was an avowed Presbyterian Christian. Her rape is one too many in the ongoing genocide that has killed more than 36,000 people. The French Cameroun soldiers have raped right from babies to old mothers, including breast feeding mothers by the road side in broad daylight. No one dares question their genocidal sex weapon as the consequences is death. Recently, innocent villagers were killed in Fungom, Wum, after a French Cameroun soldier kidnapped a young girl into the bushes, without telling their colleague. When his whereabouts could not be ascertained, the French Cameroun soldiers unloaded their guns killing at least six innocent villagers, accusing them of their relatives having killed their colleague. When he re-emerged after the “forceful” rape, nothing happened as the villagers bury their loved ones. An act that continues to unfold in the six-year-long civil war.

Video of Mami Munji Cecelia, in the pool of her own blood, after the rape and Execution

Additional Coverage of the story

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