British Southern Cameroon Genocide: More than 134 killed in May 2019.

French Cameroun under its two French Speaking governors to the British Southern Cameroon, upped their genocidal game in May 2019 with intense burning, killing and looting. While the French Cameroun’s ceremonial Prime Minister, Mr. Dion Ngute, a British Southern Cameroonian by birth, made some rhetoric overtures to the British Southern Cameroonians, the governors, simultaneously rebuked the overtures with more brutal killings of innocent civilians of the region. Mr. Dion Ngute’s visit to Bamenda was welcome with two extra-judicial killings less than two kilometers from his hotel room. Two innocent civilians were pulled out of a transport bus and shot point blank (click here). The next day on a visit to Bambili, about 8 miles away, a woman and her baby were slained by the same military. Cries could be heard as the PM drove by alongside a heavy military convoy. His visit to the Southern Zone was marked by similar killings by the French-speaking governor, Mr. Okalia Bilai, who had earlier referred to the prime minister’s kindred as dogs. The most cruel of the month’s killing was that of a 4-month-old sleeping baby, whose skull was shattered on a sofa in their sitting room in Muyuka. To diffuse the PR kerfuffle, the regime sacrificed a French Cameroun citizen in Bamenda. The scheme to tag the Ambazonian self-defense boys with the beheading failed woefully as the mastermind’s French accent betrayed them. Below are the images of about 70 of the more than a hundred killed by French Cameroun Soldiers in May 2019. The same scenario happened last year when more than 39 innocent British Southern Cameroonians were murdered in Santa, Bafut, Balinyonga, Mamfe in the same month. The world stands idly by while human life is wasted in the British Southern Cameroons, using the Rwanda 1994 script.

AJL has decided to only publish corpses with images. These deaths again provide another chance for the world to intervene and stop this genocide on a vulnerable people. The history of the conflict is clear, and only the wrongs of that history can bring everlasting peace.

Some Images of the Killed in May 2019 Alone.

NB: Please double click images to enlarge.

Painful burial: Mother and Child being Laid to Rest in Bambui.
Fly-on-the-wall Videos of some of the massacres by French Cameroun.

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Justice for the oppressed. Abhors dictators and hypocrisy.

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